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A Feminist theology through experienced reflection.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I have not been able to blog here for awhile, but I am back and there are many issues that need addressing.

As a feminist theologian blogger, the the recent decision by the CDF at the Vatican to 'take over' the direction of the LCWR, is another backlash to the past of our Church that is struggling in its male patriacrhical structure to survive.  They are futilely attempting to retrieve an imagined past, their imagined past, of the Church that is no longer relevant.  The Church through the sisters and the laity, and those forward-looking priests, IS moving into a new day that cannot be stopped.

The lack of credibility in the Vatican by liberal Catholics and, I would imagine, many other Christian groups, see this as a political power play and, also, as another bungling by a hierarchy that is so out-of-step with mainstream human existence as to almost be laughable in its sad attempt to silence women whom everyone knows have been the backbone of Catholicism in the US since the orders were established in the last century.

Who educated us and took care of us in the hospitals, who now takes care of so many at parishes as they work for no pay, yet are the dedicated to the mission of Christ in the true sense of the word?  Their prophetic voices will not remain silent this time as there are too many people who know of their untiring contributions and unbiased love of humankind in ways from which the isolated bishops and Church hierarchy has removed themselves.

What is so laughable is that many of the positions taken by the LCWR are refleced in the positions of Vatican II and of those theologians who were instrumental in crafting those documents, such as Hans Kung, a schoolmate of BXVI.

Women will no longer accept to be bullyed and silenced in the ways of the past.  We have suffered far too long and have been absent from the dialogue that the Church has been missing directly for the last 2,000 years.

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